Sunday, October 17, 2010

wedding diy projects

In an effort to save money and give the wedding a personal touch, I have been looking into do-it-yourself projects that I could do.  Here are a few that I love - I'm hoping that I'll have time to do some of them.

 How cute is this?  And they're in our letters already!  These will be very easy to make because I have a machine at school that can cut things out precisely, so I get to pick whatever font I want !  I am going to do a B and D as seen above, and also "i do!" for the cake display

DIY favor bags that are so easy!  All you need is a paper lunch bag, a cutout punch, and a custom stamp! 

I think it's a cute idea to have a mixed CD of the couples' favorite songs as a favor.  These are also very easy to make and could be done in the wedding colors and spruced up with a ribbon and a custom stamp (which you can find at Etsy).

These fan programs are something that I definitely want to do.  Since I'm having an outdoor summer wedding, I think this is a great solution to help people beat the heat.

They're really easy to make, too!  These people had the back printed with a word search (a cute idea) and attached pencils  I'm not sure if I would do that or not, because it would cut costs to just use them for a program.  I'm thinking of having maybe one of our engagement photos on the back, but I'm still open to suggestions!

Another cute summer idea!  This is a mason jar filled with all the ingredients to make ice cream.  It's basically the ice cream experiment you do in chemistry class in high school (which I only vaguely remember).

I like this because it gives the opportunity to make cute tags.  That's one thing I am excited about is designing signage for the ceremony and reception.  I'm a nerd.

1 comment:

  1. These are very very cool ideas, dear!
    I really like all of them. The paper bags with the cutout edge is really nice. Also the letters which you have a fancy machine to do! I think the CD is a cool idea, with a photo on the side (I vote for that). Fans are good too...they may help a bit! :)

    Very neat ideas, all!!! I am impressed. And I'm glad you're having some fun with this. Nice ways to save some $$ too!
